Interviews with philosopher Slavoj Žižek, filmmaker Eric Mitchell, and artist Robert Longo:
Slavoj Žižek:
"I don’t believe in depth. If you deeply look into a person you find shit. I believe in surface. I think true metaphysics is the metaphysics of surface. If you do something great it’s not deep in you. There is not an undiscovered pearl, no! That pearl is always shit."
Eric Mitchell:
"I was wearing this orange hunting jacket. Really bright orange. Dayglo! I wanted to be famous and I wanted people to know who I was. I was ambitious, posturing. Punk promotion. People in the Berlinale hated me."
Robert Longo:
"When we started making money, we started going to the Odeon. You went downstairs in the bathroom and did enormous amounts of coke. There was a closet off the side where you would go fuck in the closet or you’d go fall asleep. The Odeon became the hangout place."